Why product-centric approaches are outdated
Summary: Why are product-centric approaches outdated? Because companies have evolved beyond building
Summary: Why are product-centric approaches outdated? Because companies have evolved beyond building
Summary: Seeing intangible value in Service Design starts by understanding intangibles’ supporting
In service design, a “moment of truth” (MOT) refers to the perceptions
Summary: Customer service, customer experience, and user experience efforts come together around touchpoints.
Summary: A Service Blueprint is the visual map you use to specify
Summary: Prototyping intangible experiences involving services or product-service systems requires the use of
Summary: Service design has emerged as a powerful UX tool to transform
Definitions (36)
Inclusive Design (53)
Service Design (35)
Sustainability (12)
User Research (79)
UX Design (132)
UX Management (63)