WEBINAR: Designing during times of Pandemics-How during COVID-19 you can spark resourcefulness + innovation

As a creative person, an aspiring designer, or User Experience pro or ally, pandemic has proven to be very strange times, indeed.  Toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and people stocking up on comfort foods make for interesting material. However, at the core, you need to think about what all this means. You need to find time to keep your creative, innovative edge sharp (and avoid depression and despair). Designing during times of pandemics has become a key skill.

During a time of pandemic and extreme systemic change, you must keep learning while building resilience and inner resourcefulness. In this webinar, Frank Spillers walks you through a different way to experience the COVID-19 crisis. He will share ways you can keep your cognitive skills sharp and build on training yourself with tools to fuel your User experience designer journey– during and after the pandemic ends. 


A key challenge during COVID-19 is how to learn long-lasting lessons that can change how you design and contribute to the world, your company, or your project. It impacts designing in the time of pandemics. In this webinar, we will look at design ‘heroes’ like Leonardo Da Vinci, Buckminster Fuller, and Steve Jobs and learn from their contributions and struggles to use design to change paradigms.  We will explore several key techniques from Service Design and UX Design and learn how to leverage those to increase your design smarts whether you are a designer or contribute to design efforts, you will be introduced to tools that are critical going forward. 

When? April 24th 2020 7AM PST/ 10AM EST/ 3PM GMT

1 Using ‘Designer Thinking’ in a time of COVID-19
2 Historical Disasters, Failures and Heroic Designers
3 Skills for Boosting your Mental Game
4 Tools you can use
5 Q& A


About your Speaker:
Frank Spillers is the founder and Chief Experience Officer of Experience Dynamics, a leading UX consulting firm with Fortune 500 clients around the world. For over 20 years, Frank has been an internationally respected speaker, author, Senior UX practitioner, and UX Master Trainer. He is a world expert in improving the design and user experience of websites, web applications, VR/AR and mobile apps and services.

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