Improving accessibility for a nonprofit’s new platform

Navigating the Digital Accessibility Landscape with Inclusive Design

The Story

Venturing beyond compliance, Experience Dynamics champions the power of Digital Accessibility as a catalyst for legal compliance, advocacy, equity, and inclusion. World Pulse, an independent nonprofit social networking platform empowering women’s leadership in the Global South, is dedicated to access and inclusion. This led them to seek out Experience Dynamics to help navigate the digital accessibility challenges of their new platform. Through a meticulous audit process guided by WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) and our Accessibility specialists, Experience Dynamics helped identify and guide accessibility fixes to offer a more equitable experience for users with disabilities.

The Challenge​

The challenge for World Pulse with the new social platform was not only technological but included its values of advocacy, equity, and inclusion. Experience Dynamics with 22 years of accessibility and inclusion consulting experience knew getting the access needs of all five disability types would be crucial.

The objective was to conduct a comprehensive audit that included the experiences of users with disabilities on the new World Pulse platform. The mission was to align the new global social networking platform with the organization’s commitment to equity and disability justice.

The Strategy

Experience Dynamics’ approach to Digital Accessibility included a proven triangulation approach to digital accessibility. The holsitic audit journey (in line with upcoming WCAG 3.0 guidelines) yielded insights that moved beyond accessibility compliance, championing the cause of advocacy, equity, and inclusion for WorldPulse users.

The Turning Point​

Experience Dynamics tackled World Pulse platform accessibility through a multi-faceted approach. We conducted a rigorous audit that delved into the intricacies of WCAG rules while also engaging blind Access specialists to assess the interface and underlying code.

The Execution

  1. Auditing for disability justice: The audit process looked beyond basic accessibility and into a
  2. WCAG guidelines were meticulously scrutinized against the lived experiences of individuals with disabilities.
  3. User-Centric Realism: Users with disabilities entered the spotlight, assessing the digital landscape with their native Assistive Technologies. This immersion uncovered real issues that were often masked in theoretical assessments.
  4. Equity Amplification: The audit process became a testament to equity, with blind Access specialists contributing their expertise to ensure that the digital realm was accessible to all.
  5. Real vs Theoretical Alignment: The audit did not merely stop at theoretical guidelines. It ensured that every recommendation was grounded in the tangible experiences of users ensuring inclusion from guideline to actual performance on Assistive Technology, like screen readers.

We are genuinely so appreciative of the accessibility audit conduct by Experience Dynamics expert team. We particularly liked that their design recommendations from the audit aligned practically with our disability justice goals for World Pulse. -Jensine Larson, Founder, CEO, World Pulse

The Result

By bridging the gap between theoretical guidelines and real-world experiences, World Pulse was better able to optimize specific accessibility issues.  They improved platform accessibility and UX issues discovered to empower users to equitably access a digital narrative regardless of their abilities. This case study underscores the power of inclusive design and its potential to rewrite the script of access, justice, and empowerment in the digital realm.



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